An account of what i am doing, have done, and will be doing.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Road trip to Alabama
Squeezed out of work early Wednesday and made a bullet run up to Mentone, Alabama stopping in TPA to meet up with Jared and his friend Mat and then in G'ville to pickup my old roommate Jonathan. Jonathan and Jared are two brothers that I have been going to school with since way back in my Beach Park Montessori days. Made it to their cabin around 5:30 am and slept for a few hours. After pancakes a-la Chuck we headed out to this amazing waterfall/lake area called DeSoto Falls where we bouldered and swam around for a bit. It had a great wall that leaned slightly out over the water so we could just swim up, climb as far as we could and then fall back into the water. I am embarrassingly out of shape for climbing. Absolutely no stamina; between the combination of swimming, treading water, and the climbing, i could barely make it half way up to the first ledge. Great fun though, I would love to chill up here for a week or so and go climbing every day. If you look closely at the last photo, you can see Mat making his way up in the middle of the wall...
Cory - I'm trying to get a hold of Thomas. This is Troy Roberts. I used to shop at the Wine Warehouse in Sarasota a lot. Can you forward my email on to him or send his to me?
stunningly beautiful
Cory - I'm trying to get a hold of Thomas. This is Troy Roberts. I used to shop at the Wine Warehouse in Sarasota a lot. Can you forward my email on to him or send his to me?
troy @ srqrum dot com
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